adult piano lessons

We use the same method as we do for the children because it is all great sounding music, but it can also be accelerated and modified in ways to take care of adults attention and desires. For the Program to unfold, it typically takes 6-10 years. You will have incredibly in depth experience with Classical pieces, Blues pieces, Contemporary pieces, Accompaniments, Composition, Improvisation, and Jazz.

benefits of learning to play

For adults, there is evidence that learning to play the piano reduces memory loss, reduces the decline of the executive function, improves moods and relieves stress and much more. I have also seen much joy for adult students as they share their learning experience with family members and friends. It is also amazing to see the road blocks we encounter along our journey and how working through them opens up other aspects of our lives.


year one

In your first year, you will learn 35-50 songs in various genres, such as Contemporary, Blues, Classical and Accompaniments. Each song is part of teaching the fundamentals essential for the program and for learning about music. You will dive into the basics in Accompaniments, Composition and Improvisation.

year two

You will learn an additional 25-40 songs from many genres, while expanding your abilities and knowledge in Accompaniments, Blues and Composition. In this year, you will typically begin the official process of learning to write and read music.

Year three

You will learn an additional 25-40 songs from many genres, while deepening your understanding of the tools, strategies and concepts of the program and thus of music and music theory. Jazz and Accompaniment skills are vastly improved at this stage. The elements of Musical Theory and the practical applications are approached through learning songs and understood on an experiential level.

year four and beyond

The Repertoire of the students continues into all genres, but we begin to focus more on Student’s interest and deepening their self-generative abilities. Music Theory, Expression and Technique are explored on a deeper level through the music learned.